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Looking to Keep Busy This Week? You Can Do It!

Looking to keep busy this week?
Monday: Brainstorm
A couple of years ago, Dave Simon, local musician, came to Crown and led a
songwriter workshop. Write down a new song today or dream up a couple of
lines for a song you would enjoy.
Tuesday: Craft:
Listen to your favorite music or performing artist. Then take out a notepad and
draw to the rhythm. Experience how sound may influence your drawing.
Wednesday: Brainstorm:
List the things that motivate you.
Thursday: Connect:
Celebrate the 43rd Annual National Nursing Assistants Week, June 18-25, 2020,
Kindness In Action. Career Nursing Assistants in caregiving positions provide
predictability and stability to care, which in turn enhances the feeling of security for our
aging or frail population. Show appreciation to the nursing assistants you know with a
thank you card.
Friday: Brainstorm:
Think of one of your favorite songs and try to write down as many lyrics as you
can. If you use the internet, look up the song and sing along.
Saturday/Sunday: Reflect:
Take 5 minutes to listen to classical music and relax. This may be time to quiet
your mind, find your breath, and connect with your very best self. This is part
music appreciation and part stress-reducing technique.